Monday, March 30, 2020

How You Can Determine the Effectiveness of Tutoring Programs

How You Can Determine the Effectiveness of Tutoring ProgramsThe effectiveness of tutoring programs, whether in a classroom setting or online, is dependent on how well the educators are able to adjust themselves to the students they are trying to teach. For example, if you are teaching in a lower income community, then the lesson plans you use may not be as challenging as the lessons that are used in a higher income community. This is because the lower income individuals and families are more likely to have members with intellectual and/or learning disabilities.Even though the majority of people that fall into the lower income group usually do not have learning disabilities, they still need certain support to make it through their school years. For these people, it is often hard to learn new concepts that are being taught in their own communities. Teachers that are assigned to the lower income communities can often help by providing the individual with additional materials and tutorin g programs in the same language as the student so that the student is not only exposed to a new language, but also concepts that he or she is not used to.The effectiveness of tutoring programs, whether in a classroom setting or online, depends on how well the educators are able to adjust themselves to the average individual students they are trying to teach. For instance, if you are teaching in a lower income community, then the lesson plans you use may not be as challenging as the lessons that are used in a higher income community. This is because the lower income individuals and families are more likely to have members with intellectual and/or learning disabilities.One way that you can determine the effectiveness of your tutoring program is to ask the student how much they enjoyed the class or assignment that you were teaching. If they were not all that impressed with what you were teaching, then you can bet that they will not be too thrilled with the material you provide them wit h in a later class. They may even want to find someone else to take their classes from if you have not been an effective teacher.Another way that you can determine the effectiveness of your tutoring program is to make sure that the learner's ability to grasp the material that you are teaching is not hindered by the nature of the individual that is giving the lessons. Many individuals that have learning disabilities have trouble with students that are hard to understand or that seem to read them differently than they should. If this is the case, then you might want to find a different student to give the students.An effective student that is able to understand the concepts taught in the class is one that is able to understand and apply them in the classroom environment. If this is not the case, then you may want to consider sending the student to another classroom to take the class. In many cases, the person that is giving the class is not able to give the appropriate assignments due to other students having more trouble with the concepts being taught.Another way that you can determine the effectiveness of your tutoring program is to make sure that the individual you are assigned to teach the student in the most effective manner possible. This means that the teacher must be able to find ways to make the classroom environment more enjoyable for the student. While some students may prefer one form of instruction over another, there may be instances where the student likes the teacher's style of teaching.If the student finds that the teacher is not implementing methods that are effective in the classroom environment, then the student may not be able to follow what the teacher is teaching. The teacher is also not helping to develop the learning skills in the student. Therefore, to make sure that the individual you are tutoring is doing the best they can for the student, it is important that you are able to adjust yourself to the student and find ways to make it mor e fun and enjoyable for the student.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Globetrotter Language Challenge Winners

Globetrotter Language Challenge Winners Congratulations to everyone who turned out for October’s italki Globetrotter Language Challenge! You all did great, and have hopefully been enjoying the progress you’ve made these past few days. We’ve now counted up the final scores and drawn winners for each of the four contest lotteries. Without further ado, we are pleased to announce that The winners of the $50 Backpacker Challenge prize are: Xuzhao (3564821) Lyuba (3509387) Hiro Miyamoto (3404527) Monika Kluskiewicz (3547414) Kobe Koto (3221950) Dmitry (3328600) Tom Belunis (3477892) Véronique (1345265) Michael Hunt (3241419) Guyomar (3235658) The winners of the $100 Weekender Challenge prize are: Summer (3574240) Seth Karp (3189036) Sandra Puliezi (3543189) Julia (2419199) Philip (3336477) Aysha (1936482) Joyce (2732882) Stephan (1325926) Victoria (2835012) Vaclav Adler (1970701) Je Keun CHON (3020914) Czarix (3341914) Luis (2814006) Claudia (1380999) Anthony Cea (3436650) Jacinda (3154537) Oscar (1831708) yx01 (929049) Kanako (1367533) Felix (3051701) The winners of the $200 Seafarer Challenge prize are: Mateo (3416074) Eliaquim Sousa (2854984) Logan (3390064) Sean Finegan (1392989) Hesam (3318379) And. Felix (3051701) is the winner of the $500 Aviator Challenge prize Congratulations all around! We’ll be in contact by email between now and November 17th to follow up with your prizes. Well done to everyone who came out and pushed their limits last month. We’re proud to have hosted such a strong group of Challengers and look forward to bringing you more chances to compete and learn in the coming months. Be on the lookout for news of the next Language Challenge, coming up in January! All the best until then, The italki Team Globetrotter Language Challenge Winners Congratulations to everyone who turned out for October’s italki Globetrotter Language Challenge! You all did great, and have hopefully been enjoying the progress you’ve made these past few days. We’ve now counted up the final scores and drawn winners for each of the four contest lotteries. Without further ado, we are pleased to announce that The winners of the $50 Backpacker Challenge prize are: Xuzhao (3564821) Lyuba (3509387) Hiro Miyamoto (3404527) Monika Kluskiewicz (3547414) Kobe Koto (3221950) Dmitry (3328600) Tom Belunis (3477892) Véronique (1345265) Michael Hunt (3241419) Guyomar (3235658) The winners of the $100 Weekender Challenge prize are: Summer (3574240) Seth Karp (3189036) Sandra Puliezi (3543189) Julia (2419199) Philip (3336477) Aysha (1936482) Joyce (2732882) Stephan (1325926) Victoria (2835012) Vaclav Adler (1970701) Je Keun CHON (3020914) Czarix (3341914) Luis (2814006) Claudia (1380999) Anthony Cea (3436650) Jacinda (3154537) Oscar (1831708) yx01 (929049) Kanako (1367533) Felix (3051701) The winners of the $200 Seafarer Challenge prize are: Mateo (3416074) Eliaquim Sousa (2854984) Logan (3390064) Sean Finegan (1392989) Hesam (3318379) And. Felix (3051701) is the winner of the $500 Aviator Challenge prize Congratulations all around! We’ll be in contact by email between now and November 17th to follow up with your prizes. Well done to everyone who came out and pushed their limits last month. We’re proud to have hosted such a strong group of Challengers and look forward to bringing you more chances to compete and learn in the coming months. Be on the lookout for news of the next Language Challenge, coming up in January! All the best until then, The italki Team

Learning About Chemicals - How to Make Your Own Projects

Learning About Chemicals - How to Make Your Own ProjectsHave you always wanted to do chemistry projects and have no idea where to start? The first step to learning more about chemicals is to learn about your personal interests. Then you can decide on a project that interests you the most and do it with friends or in a class setting.Chemistry projects usually involve using different chemicals to help with various tasks. This is good for any age group but especially useful for kids. They get to make their own experiments and take control of their learning experience. These experiments are often a little bit difficult, but the benefits are big when they are completed successfully.One of the most common chemistry topic is chemistry clubs and such. These have grown to be very popular and groups have grown to include adults as well. The programs have many advantages including allowing everyone to participate and to come up with ideas for science projects that meet everyone's needs.You can do some experimentation with different items, objects and materials to see if you can complete a chemistry project with what you have. You can either use your imagination or collect different materials and try to put them together. You might want to choose a project that involves materials you have already. You might even try making a mold by rubbing different materials together.Another popular chemistry topic is chemical toxicity. This is a great project because it involves using things like gases and solvents to test chemicals for potential hazards. In this kind of project, you need to find out what chemicals you can mix and see if they will give different reactions. The materials can come from any type of chemical so make sure that you cover several topics so that you don't get confused.If you don't have time to make a project, you can always try the free ones online. You can also create your own projects that you can work on whenever you have some spare time. There are a lot of free topics that you can look at online. Make sure you are following the guidelines though because if you have difficulty, you will not be able to add any more topics.Chemistry projects are one of the best ways to learn more about chemicals. If you want to add something to your learning experience, you can do a project of your own.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Flexible Tutoring Jobs - Great Opportunities For Students

Flexible Tutoring Jobs - Great Opportunities For StudentsWhen a student is not equipped with the necessary skills, it can prove to be very difficult for them to deal with their courses and other issues in the classroom. They could even be punished by their teacher or fellow students if they are not able to answer a question correctly. If they find it too much for them to bear, there are many flexible tutoring jobs out there that they can apply for. Here are some examples of such jobs.As a tutor, one can take on different roles during the day. It could be helping students with their studies or helping them get prepared for a test. A tutor can also provide feedback to students on how to handle certain situations in class. Tutors who are excellent at this field could even be the subject matter experts for their students.If a student finds that they have difficulty focusing on their studies, they can always turn to a tutor to get help in doing so. They can also ask for help when they are having problems in their classes or in getting their work done. Another example of this job is that of a tutor who is hired by their employer as a consultant.Flexibility has many benefits when it comes to getting into such a job. The ability to work flexible hours, be able to work at home or in the comfort of their own place or even in a different city are just a few of the benefits. Students can also enjoy flexible pay because of the flexible schedules that come with the position.Flexible jobs offer the student a lot of advantages as far as how much they can earn per week is concerned. It also makes them feel secure about their future by offering them more opportunities as far as opportunities are concerned.Flexible tutoring jobs are very much a requirement these days because of the rise in the number of students who arenot so good in dealing with their studies. In fact, it is a common scenario these days for students to drop out of college due to lack of time or lack of motivatio n. A tutor can actually help a student succeed in life by being of great help in their study and they can also provide valuable feedback to the students.When it comes to finding good flexible jobs, a student can choose from many different avenues. They can visit the websites of different tutoring agencies in the internet and make sure that they are among the companies that are legitimate and reliable. Then, they can go to the job boards and do a bit of research about the companies that are hiring.

Why Start With a Basic Chemistry Set?

Why Start With a Basic Chemistry Set?What is the best way to learn about the elementary concepts of chemistry? The best way to start is with a basic chemistry set. Even if you have never considered that the earth is basically made up of two elements, namely carbon and hydrogen, a basic chemistry set can get you started on a journey that will lead you to understanding how different things work. It is like taking a step towards becoming an engineer or a scientist.There are several advantages to starting with a basic chemistry set. The first is that a chemistry set can give you a chance to experiment with different things. You can experiment with a chemical and see if it changes color, or whether it scatters light, or whether it flows in the correct way or not.Another advantage of starting with a basic chemistry set is that it gets you used to the motions and cycles that occur in chemical reactions. Chemicals take many different forms. One form may be a liquid, one form may be a gas, an d another form may be solid. Some chemicals may have other chemicals mixed in, such as metal ions, and this is where the chemistry set comes in handy.The real world can be very confusing at times. Chemicals can react in different ways, at different rates, and sometimes they don't even act in the same way that they were meant to. A chemistry set can help you to understand the different processes involved in chemical reactions and make them a little more predictable.Also, it is easier to learn complex chemistry from the basics, than to try to figure out the details of complicated things. When you are learning the mathematics of calculus, it is easy to see why learning the mathematics of chemistry can be a challenge. However, you can learn how things like molecules work, and what the various elements that make up the different molecules of life are, from basic chemistry. The more you learn about chemistry, the better your understanding of the world around you.Starting with a basic chem istry set is also beneficial because it can help you develop an interest in the real world of chemistry. You can become an amateur chemist, or a professional chemist, and this will help you to keep a closer eye on any new developments that happen in the field. This is helpful for both adults and children, because you can really learn from a simple chemistry set. You can get excited about the world of chemicals, as long as you start off with a basic chemistry set.Basic chemistry is a great place to start if you are interested in learning the real science of chemistry. It can get you familiar with the field and help you enjoy your science hobby.

5 Reasons to Plan Your Career Goals (Right Now) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Reasons to Plan Your Career Goals (Right Now) - Introvert Whisperer 5 Reasons to Plan Your Career Goals (Right Now) “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ? Albert Einstein As a long-time goal setter, I hear, like everyone else, those naysayers who poo-poo goals and ambitions and even New Year resolutions. Don’t let that be you. But in case you’re tottering on the edge of ignoring some career-oriented goal-setting this year, let me offer up some good reasons to plan your career goals  right now: 1. You will go nowhere or head to an undesirable place if you don’t know where you’re going. There are countless sayings about a ship with no rudder, a trip with no map and that sort of thing. It’s also true for your career. If you haven’t thought through the direction you want to take, you will most likely be one of millions who hate their job. You will simply drift from one thing you dislike to another until one day when you wake up to what you have (or haven’t) done and you realize you wasted a lot of your time. 2. Your daily actions will have greater meaning if you know their purpose. Let me put this another way: Other than drawing a paycheck, do you know why you’re doing what you’re doing? When you’re doing something that’s part of a bigger plan, it gives purpose and meaning to each thing you do. 3. You will create your own motivation and excitement when you see yourself making strides towards a bigger goal. Some people think the motivation to do something simply falls out of the sky. It doesn’t work that way. You can create your own motivation when you have a vision of your own “big picture.” That can help drive and sustain you even on the worst days. 4. People who are clear about where they’re headed are happier and are more successful. Do you think the U.S. President is a happy person with his career choices? Do you think he got there by accident? You can say the same of all happily successful people. They set a goal that excited them and they’re happier than a dirty pig to have achieved it. 5. Goals help focus your attention on an end result. When you have a goal, you know what to focus your time and attention on. It helps you prioritize things and make better decisions. You know where you’re headed, why you’re headed there and what you have to do to get there. Nothing’s better than razor sharp focus to make you feel empowered. I hope any or all of these 5 reasons for planning your career help you move forward in figuring out your goals. You’ll be glad that you did and even happier when you can start checking off those things you accomplished. Go to top What’s your most ambitious career goal? Share your thoughts in the comments! Image: Flickr Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Online Algebra Tutoring - Enforcing Good Life Skills in Student Minds

Online Algebra Tutoring - Enforcing Good Life Skills in Student Minds 0SHARESShare Algebra is the base for other Math subjects and a good mastery of the subject helps you garner the essential life skills to lead a successful life. Online Algebra tutoring enables you to shape these skills with its effective tutoring strategies What an online Algebra tutor does to sow the seeds of good life skills in you? He teaches the basic principles of Algebra well to make you feel comfortable with Algebra doing. You realize the value of Algebra when you start doing it with ease. This penchant for the subject makes you understand how you can develop good life skills through learning Algebra like problem solving skills, rational thinking, adaptive reasoning, lateral thinking and logical coherence in making out things. No wonder, you acquire the essential life skills to go along a set pattern of life where everything becomes easy, fool proof and error free for you. When you go deep into the concepts of Algebra, it is not that every time you could solve the equations and formulas without help. Better you seek help with Algebra homework from the hands of expert online tutors who, with their short movies, practice worksheets and Algebra solvers, pick out suitable solutions for your tasks. Tutor Pace excels in improvising suitable solutions for your homework tasks to enable you gather maximum essential life skills learnt through Algebra. Get  Algebra Tutor Online  Now! [starbox id=admin]